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The Art & Photography of Belle T. Broskie 

Belle T. Broskie is a free-lance artst based out of Columbus, Ohio. She works in many different creative mediums, including photography, digital art, painting, & drawing. She is very anxious to explore different types of art & regularly does so. Many of her works are abstract-exploring concepts of divergent thinking. 

Artist Statement 

As an artist, I consider myself to be rather abstract. The style I use is very much unique to me, but I often borrow elements from other forms of art, such as Cubism & Abstract Expressionism.


Much of what I do is based upon random ideas that I get, as well as my experiences. My sibling & others who are special to me tend to provide me with inspiration. I never seem to run out of ideas. 


In regards to photography, I enjoy taking pictures of anything & everything. Sometimes I digitally alter my images with programs such as PhotoShop. Other times, I leave images as they are when I take them. Lately, I have been experimenting with dark room photography. I intend to post some of my work in this regard soon. 


In regards to digital art, I greatly manipulate a lot of my photography or take other images & digitally alter them. 





© 2016 Belle T. Broskie Art & Photography 

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